Many of you may have noticed this funny little thing called The Liebster Award popping up all over the place…

liebster award badge

but you may be left wondering…what is it?

Well, much like you, I too was perplexed until the lovely lostinprettyeurope nominated me for this award. Many thanks extended her way. You will certainly need to have a little peek at her blog as her eloquently written adventures around the globe are endlessly entertaining.

Now, The Liebster Award was originally designed with the intent of creating a community of bloggers and aiding new blog discovery. Essentially creating a pocket of happy little bloggers. Today I am happy to have the opportunity to join this community.

If the blogs I nominate choose to accept the award, please go through the official rules and find out more about the award. The rules are:

  • Recognize and thank the person who nominated you
  • Provide the rules of the award (can link back to the official rules post)
  • Answer the 11 questions posed by the nominator
  • Provide 11 different questions to be answered by your nominees
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs
  • Give 10 random facts about yourself(optional)

So without further ado, here are my answers:

Why did you start this blog?

I began writing this blog in an effort to document all my travels and share experiences I thought might be helpful to others after reading many blogs that I found extremely useful in planning my own journeys.

Do you blog full-time? If not, how do you find time to manage the content?

I would not consider myself a full time blogger. I simply write when inspiration strikes and my free time allows it.

Talk about the best book you´ve read and why you liked it.

The best book that I have read was Wuthering Heights. I am truly infatuated with English classics and I loved the heart-wrenching romance of this particularly lovely tale.

Where was you first international travel? Did you like it?

My first international travel was to New Zealand, I believe. I absolutely loved New Zealand and all it´s natural wonders and would return in a heartbeat.

What is your favourite travel experience?

My favourite travel experience occurred just this week in fact when I visited Bibury, England with my mum. Bibury has been second on my bucketlist (only to Hallstatt, Austria) for a few years now so when we arrived in the town I was overwhelmed with excitement. Experiencing it with my mum was the icing on the cake.

What is your least favourite/worst travel experience?

By far my least favourite travel experience was visiting Boston on a family vacation. We were incredibly tired and drenched after walking The Boston Trail in sopping wet conditions. I´m sure if I went back, I would enjoy it, but the pelting rain and lack of energy made for a gruelling experience.

If you could change your nationality, what would you choose and why?

As an Australian and Latvian I would not change my nationality as having both are extremely handy in my travels. Without my dual citizenship I simply would not have the opportunity to do half of what I´ve done so far.

What is your favourite time/season of the year and why?

Summer, summer and summer. Enough said!

What is the most interesting conversation you´ve had with a stranger abroad?

Coming back from England I had an extremely stimulating conversation about the differences in personality between the English and Norwegians. After visiting both, I felt it was very accurate.

Have you travelled in your own country extensively?

I have travelled around my own city, Melbourne quite a bit, though I´d like to do more travel around Australia as a whole.

What three places would you like to visit the most?

  1. Hallstatt, Austria
  2. The Maldives
  3. Scotland

My questions for the nominees are:

  • What inspired you to create your blog?
  • What have you learnt from blogging?
  • What has been your favourite post to write?
  • Where would you like to travel to within the next 6 months?
  • Do you prefer solo travelling or travelling with others?
  • Where and what was your most delicious meal in a foreign country?
  • If you had to move to one of the countries you´ve visited, which would it be and why?
  • When is your favourite season to travel?
  • Where would you travel to if you only had a tight budget?
  • Where would you travel to if you had unlimited funds?
  • What is at the top of your bucketlist?

I would like to nominate the following blogs, should they choose to accept:

  1. Floundering Adult
  2. The Sophomore Slump
  3. Avec Valerie
  4. The Broke Travellers
  5. Green Lights Ahead
  6. The Flowing Minds
  7. Audrey Writes Abroad
  8. Ramona Crisstea
  9. Boarding Pass
  10. Samantha In Transit



9 thoughts on “THE LIEBSTER AWARD

  1. Hi Lara! I really enjoyed reading your answers. My least favorite travel experience is similar to what you experienced in Boston, last year on a hike to an otherwise very beautiful called Morskie Oko in Tatra National Park, Poland. How interesting that you’re also Latvian! I’ve been thinking about visiting Riga for a couple of years now, but I’ve never had the chance/time..
    Congratulations once again! 🙂


    1. Hey! Thanks for your genuine comment. I completely understand, it´s really miserable when an otherwise beautiful destination is ruined by freak weather or tiredness. Oh yes, you should certainly visit Riga, I´ve only heard good things about it 🙂


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